legal disclaimers

spiky profile consulting services are not performed in my capacity as a Nurse Practitioner, and taking you on as a client does not imply that I am assuming responsibility for you as a patient. That said, while not bound by HIPAA or The Privacy Act, I am nonetheless fully committed to ethical confidentiality and will never, ever, share your information with anyone else unless you present information indicating you are a direct threat to yourself or others in which case I would need to report it.

spiky profile consulting services are not in any way endorsed by or affiliated with the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Medical Services. Any and all opinions are my own and do not reflect any past, current, or future positions of the U.S. Government.

You agree to use the services at your own risk, and in doing so assume full responsibility for the outcomes of your choices and the direction of your life.

Mileage may vary.